Tag Archives: Magick

Ogham: Divination

One area of the craft that arouses much interest among ‘normal’ people is the telling of fortunes. Now divination is much more than simply attempting to predict the future. It is equally used to seek answers to current questions or even to understand the past.
Just as there are many uses to which we might put divination there are equally many methods. We have Tarot, Runes, crystal ball and even reading the tea leaves. One method that is less often seen used and one that, perhaps can claim to be a little more ‘native’ is that of reading Ogham sticks.

So what exactly is Ogham?

The Ogham alphabet consists of letters made from short tally-marks on a straight line. One mark for B, two marks for L, three for F
Each tally is called a “few” and each group of five is an “aicme.” The line that they’re written on is called the Druim.
Dots are frequently used between words, spaces between letters. The first aicme is for the Labials, the next for Dental and Aspirant letters, then the Gutteral sounds, and finally the Vowels.

For Example

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The Pentagram Tarot Spread

So I have been using the tarot a lot recently to help me understand where I am and the direction I must take and the path I must walk.

I many years ago though about the spread I should use and came up with something I felt comfortable with. I have been using this spread a lot and thought maybe I should share it with everybody who isn’t reading this blog.

So the spread.

Tarot01Imagine a pentacle, five points and the centre.

As usual shuffle the cards and pick one that represents you,

I take one sight unseen from the pack, and place it face up in the centre of the pentagram.

Then from the top of the pack, face down place five cards where the points of the pentagram would be.

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Dreams of Future Past

The raven hair, words promised much.
A need not known, or for her to see
Two souls reaching but do not touch
For I am a Witch and it will not destroy me

A path chosen, love its cost
What was and what can never be
A bond broken, a future lost
For I am a Witch and it will not destroy me

Though still I dream of her fair face
A hope, in vain, that love may yet be
I wish her here to take her place
But I am a Witch and it will not destroy me

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Hecate’s Dream

The roads meet, a path behind and a choice
She stands, her gaze on all paths, those shadows of the past and the echoes of things that may yet be
Unseen by the traveller, unnoticed by the proud yet guiding the footsteps of those with no voice

A wall, unbroken, raised by those who have yet to feel regret and shame,
To separate them from those that walk the path of the fallen.
She holds not hope but a key, a door not present may yet be opened for those that know her name.

Dark times for those whose actions cast them out, Shunned by friends and lover alike.
She raises the promethean gift aloft, shadow and light brought to life.
Dark and Light, foreshadowing Fides return, or a life alone?

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What is magic?

Recently I was talking about Paganism to somebody and was asked about Magic, was it like the bang flash Harry Potter type of magic?
This led me to start thinking about how I see Magik, how it manifests and how I work with it.

So no magic isn’t the wave a wand and turn somebody into a frog neither is it the brash kick in the door type of magic we see in films. Magic is much more subtle than that, so subtle in fact that you won’t even see it working!

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Edge Witch

Today is the autumn equinox, or fall equinox if you live across the water! It is a time of balance and equality when those two great protagonists, day and night are balanced, equal.

In this we see the reflection in the heavens of the Goddess and God, Both very different in nature but equal in stature. Both essential to us and a reminder to us that we, like the universe, need to embrace everything that makes us what we are, as we are, and not try to squeeze ourselves into and limit ourselves by accepting the stereotypes others would foist onto us.

Those of us that call ourselves witches need to particularly remember this, there are a lot who talk of being ‘white witches’ or practicing white magic. The truth is that Magic, or Magik, is a tool we use, just like a hammer, it isn’t good or bad, white or black and it won’t help you with moral decisions.

If you want to truly understand magic then you need to understand both its light and dark, you need to be aware of both the light and dark in you and then you can decide on your actions.

It is this need to stand not in the light or the dark but to stand between them both, understand both and know both the light and dark within that makes a true witch. A true Witch is an ‘Edge Witch’ she or he stands between the shadow and the light being of neither but not scared to look either square on and see it for what it truly is.

Magic or Pharmacology?

One of the problems with defining witchcraft is where to start. If we look back into history we see a mixture of superstition, herb lore, psychology and general wisdom as well as what might be called Magic.

All of these things went into what we call the ‘craft’, but can we isolate and consider the ‘magical’ elements of these things? And what do these things look like?

There are aspects of witchcraft that I think most of us would agree are full within the realm of magic, the high magic workings described by Idries Shah [1] But also, and perhaps surprisingly to some, I would include folk charms.

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An Astronomical Lammas?


At Lammas we celebrate the first harvest, obviously this has connotations with agriculture and we shouldn’t ignore or minimise that. It is likely that it is this connection that most preoccupied our ancestors. But they would undoubtedly have also thought about how this ‘First Harvest’ and the “Second Harvest” that it presages was reflected in their own lives.

For modern Pagans we also use this time to reflect on how our lives have developed and look forward to the second harvest which with the Goddesses help and guidance we can row and bring to fruition all that is positive and work with her on those aspects, the weeds in our lives, that are negative and holding us back.

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